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The coincidence of three people catching the same imagery and sensations during sleep, on the same night, was beyond statistics. I loved coincidences. The others didn’t. Gwen thought we had taken too much hash. Or perhaps our house was receiving dangerous radiations from some secret technical equipment. Brad did not really say much but kept staring at me, which I didn’t mind as he was quite easy on the eye.
Unlike them, I knew that star like the back of my hand. Sometimes I could even reach it through the power of my intention. That shared vision was fantastic news. I couldn’t wait to speak to Dr. Boyd at the School of Parapsychological Studies. She might help me figure out the full meaning of the event. This wasn’t the first instance of some metaphysical oddity in the house. After all, Piper’s Crescent lay on a very prominent ley-line, one of the Earth’s power-spots. I hoped this experience meant that the Plan was becoming manifest. If so, Dr. Boyd would be ecstatic. What about Lord and Lady Hughes? And Maria-Carmen and Lydia at the Godhead Society? I couldn’t wait to let them know what had happened.
For all my enthusiasm, there was definitely someone I wouldn’t want to inform of this odd occurrence: Gordon, my boyfriend. I knew he wouldn’t be interested in the slightest. He would find it funny, if not ridiculous. A veil of sadness descended on the crimson of my cheeks. I shook it off. Gordon was my ‘aspect out of balance’, and the fact was daunting. I still hoped it might change. That was no time for sentimentality though: I had to get going. The snow was still falling and the city was as pretty as a Christmas postcard. The day was alive with the promise of wonders ahead. My holy heart was singing because I had found the Key connecting me to my Birth Star, the Key that was going to kick-start my transformation. The Masters’ Plan was unfolding.
* * * *
Cassandra’s Diary, 2 January 1993
I’m writing this first thing in the morning, during my stay at Gordon’s house in the Borders for Hogmanay. He is sound asleep. By contrast, I could hardly sleep last night. But I woke up with a great sense of clarity. So I need to put pen to paper. Memories of my True Identity are flooding in. I have to capture them before they disappear like the faint memory of a lovely dream.
Throughout my childhood years, I could sense I was being observed. My mind was never completely alone. I was being tested. I wasn’t a normal child from the very beginning. I was acquainted with a lot of things long before life made me experience them. I taught myself to read and write, though my father insisted he was the one who helped me learn. But I deciphered the symbols of the alphabet myself. From a ripe young age, my memory would often be unfazed by the boundaries of time. I could even remember the day when I was born. And I could re-live it in my mind. There I was, being born! A human being! A girl!
It did take me a while to get out of that tunnel, and I didn’t know how to do it. After all, I was experiencing this ‘while’, something that I was utterly unfamiliar with, for the first time, pondering as I was whether I’d made the right decision or not. But everybody in this Galaxy knows that the right decision is the one you’ve made or else! Once you’re in matter, once you materialise, it does indeed take this strange currency called time to change your mind. And time is a traitor sometimes. It makes you forget who you are, why you’re here, who you’re here with, and so on and so forth.
So there I was, having been stuck like a cork in a bottle for seventy-two hours, when at last, the full moon my accomplice, the final pull (that was actually my mum’s pushing) took me to the light. Born into sight of this world, into sight of the Earth. The Earth Game had started properly sometime in May the year before. I was born on Lovers’ Day, as I had intended, except that my consciousness had shrunk to such a tiny point I couldn’t remember any of this. I was a bundle of confusion, chaos, cells, a bombardment of sensations. In a second I couldn’t remember who I was, let alone the fact that I had decided to incarnate to find my Other Half, my Shadow Self, my Soul Mate, my Twin Soul, the King of my Alchemical Marriage.
Having been born a girl, I was the Queen (looking for the King), though things are not so neatly gender-defined in matters of the Soul. Looking meant making, or something along these lines. I half-remembered that. Did looking mean making an angel? What did looking mean anyway? That was new. And hearing? How weird it all seemed through these channels of experience humans use to sense the world. It was so painful, wobbly! So limited, so different. Fragmented. I felt as if I was the whole of creation squeezed into a tiny form. All I could do was scream my lungs out. The entire Universe was in me, here, howling its shrieks.
The thick dark hair on my head made me look like a mouse to my dad. But he was very happy and couldn’t hold back the tears when the nurse held me up in front of the window pane of the Birth Ward for him to see me. What I was thinking then was “Let go of the pain you’ve just experienced, let go, let go… forget, forget, forget… it’s worth nothing… that’s all there is to it… human… birth… one of the peak experiences to have… don’t cling to it… sure it’s your final life and you want to take your time…. But let go quickly or this pain will squirm through your heart… and squeeze out the memories of your True Identity... sleep, sweet one, sleep…”
Pain was easy to let go of way back then, as my body had no previous frame of reference to connect it to. Being human felt like something was missing from the very beginning. It was that ‘something’ I was here to find. The symbolism of human birth is remarkable: separation from the Source is expressed so violently... it hurts so much that we all forget it... Yet we are here to remember... Not an easy game, this life on Earth. Perhaps on some level the human predicament may seem like a pretty, yet sad ‘fairy tale’ type of a story. Hopeless, even. A search for wholeness in a world of separateness.
Despite all the necessary difficulties that my human birth entailed, it was impossible for me to forget that I was here because of my choice. I knew I should remember that everything and everyone in my life was meant to remind me of me, that life reflected me back, and that the Universe would help me find completeness again. I had to hold that vision. I was looking at the world through my own eyes. My little life story, as insignificant as it may have seemed to an onlooker, would be informing all of my experience while I was incarnate, whether I was observing it consciously or reacting to it subconsciously. The outcome of the accuracy of my choices could be life as an angel. The Earth herself was calling out for angels...
My long and difficult birth had made me a very aloof child who was often reluctant to take part in mundane activities. I found solace in my own company and shied away from that of other people. I preferred my mind and what it came up with to watching telly. I didn’t listen to other people’s opinions and I often knew before they expressed them that they were biased. I was bright, very bright: my Core-Light was fully switched on. Even in my mother’s womb I could figure things out. I would listen to those muffled conversations beyond ‘the Veil’ of her flesh. I could feel the energy of her surroundings. I could tell changes in her swinging moods and visualise them in different colours. I could even tell what the world around her looked like: I could picture it in my mind without having laid my eyes on it.
Of course, I recognised the invisible visitors from my early years. And I envisaged that dad would abandon mum and me when I was still a little girl. And that mum would leave me too. I knew right from the inception that there was someone who would never desert me, even though at times he’d want to. I’ve not met him in manifest life yet, though his spirit is strongly connected to mine. That someone isn’t Gordon, as much as I try to convince myself otherwise. When my powers grow stronger, I will find the strength to let him go. Not yet though. But soon, I guess, the day will come when I can show the world that there’s so much more to me than meets the eye. From the day I was conceived, I’ve had what they call the gift of prophecy. I call it coming from the future. My purpose in life is calling me to accept my function in the Masters’ Plan. I am not going to fight it anymore. My human side is frightened. I have t
o let my soul take care of it.
Chapter 3
Edinburgh, February 1993
The eve of my twenty-fifth birthday arrived shrouded in a cloak of sorrow so heavy I wouldn’t outgrow it for a few months. I didn’t feel I was about to get any older. I didn’t believe in aging. Such were the preoccupations of those who didn’t know the Truth. But Gordon branded a scorching mark onto the focus of my attention. He ended our relationship so badly, like a coward, choosing the norm against the almost impossible wonders that I’d always hinted at, that I had so lovingly and generously prepared for him. Not that I could tell him the secret I held. It wasn’t stuff for the uninitiated.
He had grown weary of my mysterious ways, I could concede that. But I had hoped that he could continue to be magnetised by my charms and generous sexual know-how. The promise of another world could wait until the day he could become part of it. In the end he didn’t want to play along with me. Instead he chose to become involved with someone else who was older than me and him, and by all means my inferior in intelligence and beauty. What could I expect of him? He was a creature of the Earth, so he let his earthly nature have the best of the angel heart I had tried to plant in him, to no avail.
Earlier that night, in a candle-lit restaurant on the Castle Esplanade, I faced up to my fears about my future with Gordon, or the lack of one. I had always dreaded the thought that our relationship wouldn’t last through to the Shift of Paradigm set to culminate in 2012. My most recent concerns, however, had been of a much more human nature. Something had gone very, very wrong. He was cheating on me. Having imbibed half a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc to ease my nerves and after a very expensive dinner he was going to pay for, I confronted him.
“Did you sleep with Linda?”
He didn’t expect that. His blue eyes turned serious, deep, and then angry. There was a long silence. He was shaking.
“I only had a one-night stand with her, two months ago. You had your exams and no time for me, and I’m a man... Now she’s pregnant. This is the real headache...”
Responsibility towards others had never been his forte. I could hardly breathe but I tried my best to articulate my words as if I wasn’t hurt.
“You’re such an idiot. Were you ever going to tell me or did you expect me to find out by other means?”
He seemed surprised at my strength, and so was I. Courage is in my stellar nature after all, and it had come to my rescue. I stood up, shot him a cold glance and said: “Don’t even try to follow me.”
With dignity and poise I walked away from him and the pain he’d inflicted. I even gyrated my hips in what I thought was a sexy stride. Luck was on my side and I found a taxi waiting at the rank by St Giles’ Cathedral. I managed some chit-chat with the driver on the way to Piper’s Crescent. The journey only took five minutes at night. When I arrived, I climbed the stairs up to my apartment focusing on my breath not to panic. Once I hit the silence of my room, I broke down in sobs. Gwen and Sam woke up. My body was shaking in misery, uncontrollably. My mind could hardly grasp what had happened. My ego had just brought me down to my knees. I couldn’t fight it any longer: my human side had surrendered to desperation.
* * * *
The room was dark when we arrived and gathered around Cassandra. She was lying on her bed, fully dressed, with her coat and scarf still on. A few seconds later her flatmates entered the room and switched the lights on. They sat on her bed and started asking questions. Gwen caressed her back, trying to calm her down. We tried to help our inconsolable friend by sending her positive energy and Light. The cloak of sadness around her heart made it more difficult than usual for us to connect with her.
Full communication had become erratic during the previous months, as from around the time she had started dating Gordon. We knew him and his very low, ego-driven frequency. Cassandra was enmeshed in his depleting vibration through the regular act of sex with him. Their relationship had clouded her mind to some considerable extent, but we still managed to communicate with her. We always got through during her meditations. Now she really needed our help or she would lose her way. We couldn’t let her lose the grip of her Star-heart. Our connection, however, was intermittent at best.
Gwen and Sam talked to Cassandra for an hour, hugging and reassuring her. The young man in boxer shorts prepared a hot-toddy: to help her sleep. When the pain finally appeared to have eased, they left her room. Cassandra undressed and went to bed. We raised our frequency again, until we eventually got through to her. She started to calm down. Her wailing receded. Her breath began to slow down until it became lighter and she fell asleep. Her powers were safe. Human-chrysalises always become very vulnerable, and life around them seems to fall to pieces, when their time for transformation is approaching. Despite her stellar ancestry, Cassandra was no exception. High time was drawing near. The most difficult part for us was to step back and let her do this on her own. The rules of the Plan are binding even for a soul of her calibre.
* * * *
My heart had precipitated to that gutter of an emotion. I could have sworn I would be sailing my way through to the destination. Paradise found without flexing a muscle, full stop. Oh no, far from it. I didn’t want to admit that Gordon had been a mistake. For all my so-called powers, I couldn’t let go of the hurt this rejection was generating. Disparate thoughts ran through my head. I’d been tricked by Gordon’s ego. I wanted to believe him when he said that he loved me. Why had I forced myself into such an unfounded tenet? I knew I was wrong, yet why did I take so much time to find the courage to face up to the truth? It was my all fault, I thought. And now what?
My ego proved stronger than I’d expected. In the end I fell asleep praying to the Universe to send me a sign. It wouldn’t fail me. I needed its help so badly. Restless sleep got the best of my internal chatter. I dreamt that I was being chased. I woke up in a sweat in the middle of the night. Pitch black in the room. Pitch black in my heart. I opened my eyes. The palm of my hand was lying on my pillow next to my face. It was emanating an almost liquid light of blue, purple and yellow: my aura. It was real, like an extension of my body.
My broken heart was showing me that. The cocoon had been pierced. Despite all that was happening on the outside, I was ready. My True Being was quickening and preparing to get out of its chrysalis. My powers had been switched on. Time for transformation. It felt so normal. I watched my reflection in the mirror: the Light stemming from my limbs made me look like a winged woman. I let the beauty of the experience sink in and become one with me. The magic of the moment made me feel drowsy once again. By 3 a.m. I had succumbed to deep slumber.
The morning of my twenty-fifth birthday jolted me out of the spell of sleep and into the ice splinters of reality. My alarm woke me up at 6 o’clock as usual. The day was cold. Time hit me like a whip.
“Shit!," I said, “I feel like shit!”
Despite my nocturnal occurrence, in the morning I couldn’t care less about auras, evolution and all that airy-fairy stuff. I wanted Gordon. I wanted to have sex with him. I remembered the mess he confessed he had made. I wanted to cry again. But my pride didn’t allow me to think about him for longer than a few seconds. I went to the kitchen on automatic pilot and put the kettle on.
“Instant coffee and a bowl of porridge will do: there isn’t much to celebrate today...”
Confusion still ran unbridled in my soul. I wanted to run away from my destiny. I wanted to forget it all and be normal. I craved an ordinary relationship. I needed to be loved too. I had had enough of my heavy heart and its stupid Key. The tall pine trees in the back garden were shaking at the whim of the blustery wind. I was at one with the weather: beaten and cold.
“Happy fucking birthday, Cassandra,” I hissed to myself.
Caffeine started to ground me. Sam and Gwen appeared unexpectedly, making such a racket with balloons, champagne and a chocolate cake. It was shortly after 6 in the morning, and yet they managed to organ
ise a birthday do for little broken-hearted me. It was a gallant effort given their predisposition to sleep in and the fact that I’d kept them up until late with my scene the night before. I let my despair melt into the tender hugs of my friends. This moment of flat-sharing bliss only people in their twenties can appreciate lifted my soul and took my mind away from my sorrow, if for a little while.
Was I starting to feel better? I was grateful for my friends’ cheer and affection. Their kind gesture was in sheer contrast with my curse: the whole world loved me with the blatant exception of the one man I’d chosen. I had to accept it. I was aware that too much was at stake in my choice of a partner. I had just been reminded of that. I couldn’t even be spared on the eve of my birthday. My destiny had conspired against what had turned out to be yet another star-crossed affair of mine. Out on a limb, I didn’t know what to do. I could lose my mind over that. I needed protection and help but I was too proud to admit it. I wasn’t as capable and powerful as I thought I was. Ah, the foolish naiveté of my youth.